Erasmus smt unipr 2019

29 apr 2019 97° ARENA DI VERONA OPERA FESTIVAL 2019 dal 21 giugno al 7 aula Smt .03 del Polo Santa Marta con “Generazioni Erasmus: la que-.

First and second level Masters are part of the postgraduate course catalogue offered by the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries.. In order to enrol in a First level Master Programme you are required to have a First Cycle Degree or other equivalent three-year (full-time) university qualification (according to regulation D.M. 509/1999).

Erasmus and International Relations -

ERASMUS PLUS KA107 - Mobility between programme and Partner Countries Created on Venerdì, 6 Aprile, 2018 - 16:43 | Published on Giovedì, 13 Febbraio, 2020 - 16:07 by CAMURRI Stefano Università degli studi di Parma Erasmus+ SMS - Mobilità ai fini di Studio - a.a. 2019/2020 ... Bando Suppletivo Erasmus Plus per mobilità ai fini di studio (SMS) - Anno Accademico 2019/2020 - Frequenza del secondo semestre 2019/2020 presso le Università europee partner dell'Ateneo di Parma Il bando è pubblicato con DR n. 1800/2019 (Prot. n. 160214) in data 27/06/2019. Erasmus Plus SMS 2018/2019 | Università degli Studi di Parma A partire dall'anno accademico 2018/2019, l'Università di Parma aderisce al progetto OLA (Online Learning Agreement). Tutti gli studenti in mobilità ai fini di studio (Azione SMS) possono optare per la compilazione del Learning Agreement Online, accedendo alla pagina specifico indicata qui sotto. UNIVERSITY OF PARMA INFO SHEET 2019-2020 - UNIVERSITY OF PARMA INFO SHEET 2019-2020 FOR ERASMUS PLUS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION OPPORTUNITIES General Information Prof. Vincenza Pellegrino (Erasmus SMS/SMT Social work) Prof. Francesca Trombetta Panigadi (Erasmus SMT Law and Political Sciences)

ERASMUS+ SMT AT A GLANCE - The Erasmus + mobility period usually begins on the 1st of June and ends the 30th of September of the next year (i.e. 01/06/2019 – 30/09/2020). The minimum duration required is 2 months (60 days), whereas the maximum stay is 12 months. Internships must be carried out without any interruption. European and International exchange students (Erasmus Plus ... Phone: +39 0521 904203 P.le San Francesco, 3 - 43121 Parma I PARMA01 Info Sheet 2016/2017. In these page you will find all updated information for Erasmus Plus students and for mobility under International Cooperation Agreements. UNIVERSITÀ DI PARMA Aggiornato al 11/12/2019 ... - Aggiornato al 11/12/2019 CoordinatorDipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura (Department of Engineering and Architecture) Prof. Gabriele Tebaldi non Erasmus/Erasmus SMT Prof. Maria Melley Erasmus SMS Architecture

Erasmus and International Relations - These tutors provide support activities with regards to programmes and internationalisation projects in our Department. The associated activities allow for the development of more internationalisation opportunities, helping students enrolled in the courses and giving support to mobility students during the academic year. A. Y. 2019/2020 Tutors Master Programmes - First and second level Masters are part of the postgraduate course catalogue offered by the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries.. In order to enrol in a First level Master Programme you are required to have a First Cycle Degree or other equivalent three-year (full-time) university qualification (according to regulation D.M. 509/1999). Erasmus and International Home (EIH) - The University of Parma welcomes all students to the “Erasmus and International Home”, the service and centre for international activities and exchanges. The EIH is located in Piazzale San Francesco, in the heart of Parma. The structure has been conceived as a friendly “home” to foster integration and intercultural exchange.

c. Supervision of 1 Master Thesis in Chemistry for ERASMUS PLUS SMT 2016/2017, LA with Heinrich Heine Universitaet-Duesseldorf (GER) II.5. ORIENTATION AND DIFFUSION OF SCIENTIFIC CULTURE March 2013-2018: Delegate to of the Physics course at UNIPR for: a. coordination of orientation activities for ingoing students; b. diffusion of scientific

RESOLUCIÓN DE PRAZAS ERASMUS PRÁCTICAS PARA O CURSO 2019/20 CONVOCATORIA DE MOBILIDADE SMT Reunida a comisión de selección á que se fa i referencia na Convocatoria de bolsas de mobilidade internacional de estudantes para prácticas en empresas de Europa para o curso 2019/20, na resolución reitoral do 15 de febreiro 2019. RESOLVE Student - Welcome Package 2019-2020 Erasmus & International Students. A new guide tailor-made for International Degree-Seeking and Exchange Students. Find out all about application procedures, courses, services and facilities provided by the University of Parma. The guide also contains practical and tourist information on Parma and its territory Deadlines | LAW - Evaluation test for students with a high school score lower than 70/100 (or 42/60)- September 3rd, 2018, (1st and earliest date)- October 22nd, 2018, (2nd date – … Programme Outline | EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES - The bachelor programme in Educational Sciences is a three-year programme that belongs to the L-19 class.. It allows students to become “educator” on the basis of the current legislation (the so-called Iori Law), achieving a solid culture in education sciences and developing the necessary interdisciplinary skills to operate in educational and training contexts.


After each deadline, the Erasmus and International Home will collect the applications received during the previous 3 months of the set date and forward them to the Coordinators of the relevant Departments/Offices, which will evaluate if they can be accepted or not: we therefore recommend you to send your request in due time.

Vi ricordiamo anche che le domande online per il Bando Erasmus Plus SMT - A.A. 2019-2020 scadono alle h 23:00 del 30 maggio 2019 (e consegna c/o Protocollo entro h 12:00 del 31 maggio 2019). Affrettatevi! International Relations Università di Parma. Per informazioni scrivete a